Neuro-orthopaedic sessions
Neurological function disorders often lead to secondary problems with the motor apparatus (muscles, bones and joints). This often leads to orthopaedic problems in the care of children and young people with motor disorders.
Because of the underlying disruptions of the sensormotor system, the needs associated with the orthopaedic treatment of patients with neurological diseases are not comparable with the needs of a child or young person without motor impairment.
The neuro-orthopaedic care of these patients therefore requires specific skills in this area.
Within our neuro-orthopaedic session, children and young people with motor impairment are treated on an interdisciplinary basis in a collaboration between a neuro-orthopaedic specialist from the Aschau Orthopaedic Children's Clinic, a master orthopaedic technician from Pohlig GmbH, Traunstein, and a paediatrician specialising in sensorimotor function in the kbo-Kinderzentrum München.
The neuro-orthopaedic sessions cover the following:
- The problems with the motor system are recorded.
- Treatment proposals are worked out, covering partly conservative treatment measures such as physiotherapy, orthosis treatment, taping, botulinum toxin treatment, etc. or orthopaedic operations. The results of the 3D gait analysis form part of the basis for this.
- The progress and thus success monitoring of these measures are evaluated.
How can I register?
Telephone: +49(0)89 71009-197
e-mail: Sensomotorik.KIZ(at)