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Spinal malformations/dysraphic disorders and hydrocephalus


Who are the dysraphic disorders/hydrocephalus sessions intended for?


These sessions are intended for children and young people from infancy to the age of 18 with fusion malformations (dysraphic disorders) of the spine and spinal cord with and without hydrocephalus (from the Greek 'hydros' = water, 'kephalē' = head).


Interdisciplinary planning of treatment and therapy for children with dysraphic disorders with or without hydrocephalus. Achieving an improvement in the quality of treatment, life and movement through the optimal coordination of therapeutic aids, medication and coordinated therapy recommendations.

What do we offer?

  • Neuropaediatric and paediatric surgical status and progress monitoring
  • If necessary, further socio-paediatric/developmental psychology investigations
  • Interdisciplinary treatment and therapy planning
  • Provision/review of therapeutic aids
  • Monitoring of shunt function (in cooperation)
  • Monitoring of bladder and rectal function (in cooperation)
  • Psychological advice, networking in the context of overcoming the illness


The investigation is carried out with the involvement of a sensorimotor paediatrician, a paediatric surgeon and a physiotherapist. The current status and clinical course are recorded and therapy and provision of therapeutic aids to date is reviewed.

In addition, a shunt review may be carried out. Afterwards, the necessary measures are planned on the basis of current results.

The examination results are documented in a final report which is sent to all those involved and the attending paediatrician.

How can I register?

Telephone | +49(0)89 71009-197 (Secretariat)
e-mail: sensomotorik(at)kbo.de