Botulinum toxin sessions
Botulinum toxin is a toxin that causes local weakening of individual muscles by blocking the transmission of stimuli between the nerves and the muscles. This effect on the musculature is used in illnesses in which spastically hyperactive muscles are to be specifically weakened, e.g. in the treatment of foot drop or of adductor spasm (restricted span width of thighs).
Therapy objectives can include function improvements (e.g. improved standing and walking), care facilitation or pain reduction. Botulinum toxin has been used throughout the world since the beginning of the 1990s for the local treatment of spastic movement disorders in children. Clinical studies have proved that it is effective and low in side effects. Botulinum toxin A is used in combination with, for example, physiotherapy, therapy aides and operations.
Who are the botulinum toxin sessions intended for?
The sessions are intended for children with cerebral palsy (unilateral, bilateral, spastic, dyskinetic) and acquired palsy (after a stroke, post-inflammatory, post-traumatic) and spastic spinal paralysis.
Botulinum toxin therapy is used for children with spastic and/or dystonic movement disorders in order to achieve a focal muscle tone modulation resulting in an improvement in motor development and quality of movement.
Treatment structure
1. Examination of the indication to use botulinum toxin therapy
- Comprehensive recording of medical history and neuropaediatric reports
- Discussion of whether the therapy would be suitable for your child
- Advice and information on side effects, modus operandi and further course
2. Injection appointment
- Anaesthesia consent is given before the day of the injection
- Injection of botulinum toxin given as an outpatient in the SPZ Children's Centre in Munich in the presence of a paediatric anaesthetist under anaesthesia and with sonographic monitoring
- In certain cases, the treatment can also be carried out using nitrous oxide (Livopan).
- Evaluation form from treatment with botulinum toxin A therapy for physiotherapy and/or occupational therapy
3. Follow-up appointment 6 weeks after botulinum toxin therapy
- Assessment of effect of treatment using botulinum toxin on muscle and functional results
4. Follow-up visit and reinjection
- Regular appointment after 4 months
Informationen zur Anästhesie
Seit Januar 2024 können wir in Zusammenarbeit mit unserem erfahrenen Narkoseteam für unsere kleinen, ängstlichen sowie agitierten Kinder die Narkoseführung im Rahmen der Botulinumtoxin-Behandlung mittels dem Inhalationsanästhetikum Sevofluran anbieten.
Sevofluran ist ein sogenanntes volatiles Anästhetikum und gehört zur Gruppe der Flurane. Es wirkt gut hypnotisch, schwach analgetisch und schwach muskelrelaxierend. Da Sevofluran nicht die Schleimhäute reizt, ist es zur Narkoseeinleitung mittels Maske besonders gut geeignet und wird daher sehr häufig in der Kinderanästhesie verwendet. Weiterhin bestehen bleibt die Botulinumtoxin-Behandlung und Narkose mit dem Injektionsanästhetikum Propofol, sowie die Sedierung mit Livopan® (= medizinisches Gasgemisch).
Registration for consultancy visit
Sekretariat Sensomotorik im kbo-Kinderzentrum München
Telephone | +49(0)89 71009-197
e-mail | sensomotorik(at)