Asymmetry sessions
In recent years, general infant asymmetry and, in particular, cranial asymmety have increasingly become a focus of interest. More people are asking about the causes, and also, specifically, about therapy indications and options. Depending on the type of study, reports indicate that the rate of cranial deformities at the age of about 4 months is up to 20%. Causes vary considerably and alongside, for example, syndromal diseases, positional cranial asymmetry is the most frequent. In addition, many children show postural and motion asymmetry due to, for example, limited space in the uterus or an underlying disease affecting develolpment.
We are meeting this growing need within our "Asymmetry sessions", in which our multidisciplinary team (neuropaediatricians, physiotherapists, manual therapists, orthopaedic technicians) examines the affected children, evaluates therapy indications and assesses and explores treatment options. We also provide an evaluation and advice as regards the therapy option of a head orthesis (helmet therapy), which has been proved to have a positive effect, depending on the nature and characteristics of the cranial asymmetry.
If you have any questions or would like further information, or to arrange an appointment, please contact us at:
Telephone: +49(0)89 71009-183
e-mail: Sensomotorik.KIZ(at)