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What is biofeedback therapy?

In sEMG (surface electromyographic) biofeedback therapy, the activity of a muscle is measured. To do this, electrodes are applied to the skin covering the muscle and the muscle tension is made visible or audible for the patient as feedback in the form of graphs, music or films.


The aims of sEMG biofeedback therapy

  • Maximum possible independence and participation in everyday life.
  • Improvements in everyday tasks such as: writing, eating, sitting, walking, toilet (hygiene), transfer with and without aids, control of electric wheelchair, PC, etc.
  • Under the guidance of the biofeedback therapist, the aim is that the patient should learn to specifically control the target muscles and logically coordinate various muscle activities.

This motor learning technique can help the patient, often after years of impairment,

  • to better understand the sensory information for random movement
  • to promote the use of alternative neuronal structures to control the motor system
  • to make it possible to try out different motor strategies
  • to make inappropriate movements conscious and more easily controllable


  • Neglect of a part of the body as part of movement disorder
  • Unsteady sitting/standing/walking
  • Writer's cramp
  • Uncoordinated hand function
  • Muscle pains
  • Problems with mouth motor activity

Which patients will benefit from the therapy?

Children and young people aged around 5 and above with movement disorders who wish to become steadier and more independent in everyday life.

sEMG biofeedback thereapy uses positive signals to encourage self-motivation and the willingness of children to practice. The sEMG biofeedback therapy concept developed in the kbo-Kinderzentrum München is provided by an interdisciplinary team of doctors, ergotherapists and physiotherapists along with technical assistants.

How is the therapy provided?

On an outpatient or inpatient basis, as block therapy in approx. 10-12 units of 60 minutes each. Additional sessions for diagnostics and basic therapy/therapies.

Accompanying therapies/homework

What has been learnt in the therapy sessions needs to be trained through frequent, variable repetition and thus integrated into everyday life. A combination with ergotherapeutic/physiotherpeutic measures is often necessary. If possible and useful, supervising therapists and the school can be involved.

How can I register?

Telephone | +49 89 71009-308
E-Mail | Biofeedback.KIZ(at)kbo.de